I Suspect NPP..."I'll Sue Those Using My Picture With Cocaine Story" | Dayz Entertainment

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Francisca Adjei, a supporter of the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC), whose picture has been splashed all over social media, as having been arrested at the Heathrow Airport in London for drug offences, has denied any such event.

She has threatened to sue those behind what she describes as a vile attempt to malign her.

“I’ll do that against anybody that has dragged my name into the mud.”Adjei told 'Starr News' in an interview Monday that she suspects her detractors in the main opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) are those circulating her picture alongside the drug trafficking story.

“Who else if not our friends from NPP because it started from them. Every negativity that comes with my name comes from them,” she said.

“When it is corruption, it is Francisca; when it’s this, it is Francisca Adjei; now it’s cocaine and it is Francisca Adjei. Am I the only person in NDC or am I the only sympathiser in NDC? Is it because I decided to join NDC or I decided to campaign for NDC? And I will do that. This thing will not push me away from it. It won’t.

“I’m proud of what I did and I will do it again for JM and Madam. I will do it, they don’t even know me, but I will do it again. Is it by force to belong to another political party? If you like what I do, just come to me and tell me that: ‘Madam we like what you do, tell us how you do it’, and I’ll be ready to help you, but you don’t pick on me, no you don’t do that,” she fumed.

Communications Minister Dr Edward Omane Boamah has come out to clarify that indeed a Ghanaian lady by name Nayeli Ametefeh has been arrested by the British Police for attempting to traffic 12.5kgs of cocaine.

Boamah said in a statement on his Faceook wall that the suspect was travelling with an Austrian Passport No. P4187659 and also has an ordinary Ghanaian passport (GO364497)–not a diplomatic passport as earlier reported.

Ametefeh was arrested on November 9, 2014 and being investigated.

Francisca Adjei, who said she does not know the lady in question said she was “shocked and surprised,” when she first saw her picture juxtaposed the alleged suspect, whose name was initially reported as Ruby Adu Gyamfi, alongside the cocaine story that went viral on social media.

“...First I thought it was one of the propaganda they do but I realised it was going on, I realised that it has turned into a whole different thing and I had calls from people I was not supposed to have calls from within the country, outside the country, text messages, everybody wanted to confirm if I was in Ghana or I’ve been arrested and stuff, and trust me, it really blew my mind.”

“I have never been arrested, I have never been charged with drugs, I don’t know this lady from Adam, I don’t know where she even lives, I don’t know anything about her, I don’t see why some people or somebody would want to malign me with her, saying we are the same – two different pictures posing as one person and that we have the same aim. In fact I was shocked. Trust me. I don’t know Ruby from Adam, I don’t know what she does, I don’t know her family members, i’ve never been arrested before, neither have I been arrested for drugs. I don’t even know how drugs look like. I don’t even know even how Heathrow Airport looks like. As I speak to you, I don’t even have my passport with me,” she explained.
