GHANA Police Calls For More Public Support To Fight Abuses | Dayz Entertainment

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Child neglect topped the list of cases reported to the Police Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU) in Ashanti, highlighting the growing irresponsibility among parents.

Statistics made available to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) show that 714 cases, involving the refusal by parents to take care of their own kids, were recorded within the first nine months of the year.

Defilement was also prominent on the abuse league table with 125 cases seen during the period.

The scale, however, appears to be on the decline judging by the first, second and third quarter figures.

There were 54 cases within the first three months but that dropped to 41, between April and June, and in the third quarter, the number of incidents came down to 34.

Threats of death, was another disturbing development – a total of 56 such threats were handled by the Unit.

Child labour and incest were also prominent cases.

The other abuses include assault, causing harm, sodomy, causing damage and forcing people into early marriage and deprivation of access to child.

Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Benjamin Dokurugu, the Regional DOVVSU Director, called for more public support to fight all forms of child abuse and violence against women.

He said people must have the courage to report offenders to the police to face justice so as to deter others from breaking the law.

He also encouraged victims to refuse to allow the cases to be settled at home.

DSP Dokurugu expressed the determination to go the extra mile to bring down domestic violence, saying this was being done through the combination of enforcement of the law and public education.

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