Nana Akufo Addo X'mas Message | Dayz Entertainment

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Fellow Ghanaians and friends of Ghana, my wife Rebecca and my whole family join me in wishing you all a joyful Christmas and a very happy New Year.

As we celebrate Christmas, with its great tidings of the birth of the Saviour and Prince of Peace, let us take a moment to reflect on our country, on how far God has brought us and on the many blessings, especially of freedom, peace and stability, he continues to shower upon us.

I believe that a brighter future awaits Ghana. I am confident that we will make it if we work at it.

We must believe in Ghana’s prospects and do what is right by our nation to enable us fulfil the noble dreams and aspirations of our founding Fathers.

Let us renew our commitment to their dreams of creating in our lifetime, that free, democratic, and prosperous nation governed under the rule of law. A nation whose citizens are reconciled with themselves and have self-confidence generated by access to good education, skills training and a buoyant economy. With the guidance of the Almighty, we can make it and secure our future.

In this Season of Love; let us open our hearts to each other, help and comfort those who are in need and spread good cheer amongst us all. And please let us all celebrate the season safely and responsibly.

God bless you all. God bless Ghana. God bless Mother Africa.

Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.


Nana Akufo-Addo

2016 NPP Presidential Candidate
Source: agyepong kofi

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