Police Tops Corruption Perception, Scores 89% | Dayz Entertainment

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The latest Afrobarometer report has cited the police service as the most perceived corrupt public institution.

The results of the round six Afrobarometer survey by governance think tank CDD-Ghana, put the service ahead of other public institutions. The survey focused on trust and perceived corruption in Ghana’s public institutions.

The result said as high as 89% of the respondents said the police service is the most corrupt institution, Joy News’ Kwakye Afreh Nuamah who was at the launch of the report said

The survey was conducted between May and June 2014 and about 2400 respondents were asked to rate public institutions including the Ghana Revenue Authority, as well as government officials and Members of Parliament.

Government officials followed as second most corrupt persons with 86 percent.

According to the survey, 75 per cent of Ghanaians also think corruption has increased over the past year.

Respondents were however equally divided over whether the ruling National Democratic Congress or the opposition New Patriotic Party can solve the problem of corruption in the country.

On the issue of confidence, many of the respondents said they have more trust in the military than their MPs and government officials.

Meanwhile, the Director of Police Public Affairs, DCOP David Ampah-Bennin yesterday told Joy News the service had declared itself corruption free and has assured its officers will not take bribes anymore in the discharge of their duties.

The latest report is not the first time the police has been named the most corrupt public institution in similar surveys.

The Inspector General of Police, Mr. Mohammed Alhassan, has in March this year unveiled an ambitious programme to “reaffirm public confidence in the Ghana police service.”


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