Gerald is the new assistant coach of the Black Stars? | Dayz Entertainment

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Gerald and Konadu in talks 

The Ghana Football Association have confirmed they have appointed an additional video analyst, who goes by the name 'Gerald', for the Black Stars.
But by the evidence of what has been going on in the Black Stars' training sessions in the last few days, there may be more to this appointment than meets the eye.
Gerald has been actively involved in the training at the Lizzy's Sports Complex, dishing out instructions to players and conducting sessions.
We may be jumping the gun here, but since when did a video analyst get involved so much in training, and why does current analyst Michael Okyere not do the same?
Is there something the FA is refusing to tell us? Could Gerald be the new assistant coach for the national team?
We'll be watching closely to see how this unravels....

CREDIT:  allsports 

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