NPP 2016 Campaign Won’t Be On Radio Political Talk Shows; Infact, No Lazing Around - Kwabena Agyapong | Dayz Entertainment

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General Secretary of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) Kwabena Agyei Agyapong has stated that political talk shows alone do not win elections.

According to the NPP Chief Scribe, his focus on winning elections require actual hard work on the ground by strengthening the party at the grassroots level to show the young ones the way to voluntarily work for the party.

Reacting to his boycott of Joy Fm’s Newsfile program on electoral reforms, Kwabena Agyapong reiterated on Oman Fm’s Morning Show that the current NPP leadership will not allow a situation where NPP Communicators are on radio stations for political talk shows all the time.

He insisted that the 2016 election campaign will not be ran from Accra in the studios of radio stations; urging that as a practical leader, the party members must go to villages and do hard work if NPP is really interested in annexing power in 2016 elections.

He maintained that the 2016 elections campaign will not entertain any lazy approach by sitting on radio talk shows with the anticipation that they are campaigning; adding that the NPP will still honor invitations to political talk shows as he appeared at Joy Fm to address the electoral reforms.

“If speaking on talk shows wins elections, NPP would have won elections long time ago. Winning elections require actual hard work on the ground and that’s my focus as a General Secretary for my party. We want to strengthen the party at the grassroots and show the young ones the way to voluntarily work harder for the party”.

“We won’t allow a situation where every day party members are on radio political talk shows all the time. We are suppose to be in the communities working with our party people….those of us will go to the ground to work harder and not, always we are in Accra; no way!”.

“This campaign will not be ran like that from Accra in the studios of radio stations; we have to go the villages and get ourselves dirty with the people on the grounds….that’s politics if you want to win an election; to do the hard work on the ground and not lazing about on radio stations, claiming we are campaigning. This is where our focus is and if we have to appear on any program, of course we will come as I appeared at Joy Fm”, he stated.

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