250,000 Euros Gold Deal: Ghanaian Woman Defrauds Dutch Investor? | Dayz Entertainment

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Information gathered by The New Crusading GUIDE indicates that two Ghanaian have allegedly defrauded a Dutch to the sum of over 250,000 Euros he invested to acquire a house and a gold mine in Ghana.

According to the information, a Ghanaian woman, Diana Nyarko, invited the Dutch, Mr. Haram Van Bruce and his twin brother, one Mr. Grazy from Holland to Ghana in 2010 and deceived them into investing the said amount in the business after photographs of the mines and the house had been shown to him.

The Dutch, fully convinced, joined Diana and William Kusi, the other accomplice who is believed to be her lawyer in his officer for the necessary paper works. Mr. Haram then transferred the money when he went back to Holland leaving his twin brother in Ghana to oversee transactions.

According to Haram, he first transferred 50000 Euros at the beginning of the transactions. However, upon his return in February 2011, Harm was not welcome in the house again.

His twin brother (name withheld) alleged that Diana had planned to kill Haram, since she allegedly connived with Lawyer Kusi and the CID in charge of the case in Kumasi to frustrate them.

It came to pass that in March 2011; Haram met Diana and Syn Eric in William Kusi's office together with 6 police CID from Kumasi wielding guns when one Ben allegedly closed Haram's mouth in an attempt to kill him, after he refused to sign documents he suspected were fake.

Back and forth, the Dutch took Diana to court but all attempts to get the proceedings and to compel Diana to pay the money back failed.

According to Haram, Diana failed to appear in court and had since become friend to the CID in Kumasi who, initially, put surveillance on her house. Till date, Diana has not been arrested for the crime.

Checks conducted by Haram in August 2012, from the Mineral Commission on Diana showed that she had no mining license and that the transaction that went on between them was fraudulent.

In June 2014 a Kumasi Court gave an order to arrest Diana, she was arrested and was made to pay some monies. This payment, according to Haram, had not been made to since. 

Mr. Haram who is not happy with the police demanded to know the whereabouts of the money Diana was alleged to have paid.

According to the Dutch national, since 2010, he had lost over One Million Euros trying to get justice but to no avail.

Diana and her Son, Eric and the Lawyer William Kusi were alleged to have faked documents and refused to pay a dime on the house and the Gold Mines and the Company for Mr. Haram.

Mr. Haram is therefore calling on the Attorney General and Security Agencies to look into the matter since the image of the country is being tarnished and such actions by Ghanaians were scaring investors away.

Meanwhile, efforts to reach Madam Diana on her cell phone to react to the allegation have hit on a snag.  Stay tuned.

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