Floyd Mayweather is paying $4,000 per day for food | Dayz Entertainment

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While Manny Pacquiao is boxing to win free chicken for life, Floyd Mayweather is spending a decent used car on food every day.

TMZ reports Money May is paying Chef Q, a Las Vegas-based chef, $184,000 to keep his tummy full between now and the fight on May 2. With a little over a month left until he and Pacquiao meet in the ring, that figure works out to about $4,000 every day. To put that amount of money into perspective: that's 17,798 chicken McNuggets, or 1,338 Crunchwrap Supremes per day.

Of course, Chef Q doesn't usually charge this much but says Floyd felt her "dishes were worth that much." Floyd Mayweather has a lot of money.

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