Lizard caught on camera strumming a leaf guitar,Coolest Lizard Ever [PHOTO] | Dayz Entertainment

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This forest dragon lizard was caught on camera strumming on a leaf guitar. He is presumably performing to an imaginary audience.

 Photographer Aditya Permana spotted the unusual pose of the lizard in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and managed to capture the moment the little reptile picked up a leaf and held it like a guitar. Permana watched the lizard for an hour before getting the shot, but it was clearly well worth the time spent.

"I did not directly photograph the lizard at first, until the lizards feel calm and comfortable around me," he said, per the Daily Mail. "I noticed it looked like it was playing a guitar – and it didn’t move at all."

Coolest. Lizard. Ever.

Source: Huffingtonpost

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