Yvonne Nelson announces new venue for #DumsorMustStop vigil | Dayz Entertainment

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Ghanaian actress, Yvonne Nelson, has announced a new place for her upcoming vigil dubbed ‘#DumsorMustEnd Vigil.’

In a press statement issued on Friday, the actress said the vigil would be held at Legon branch of Bonjour, formerly known as On-The-Run.

The change became indispensable after authorities of University of Ghana issued a statement saying they had not granted permission to Yvonne Nelson and her celebrity friends to use the university’s facility for the vigil.

Even though the venue has changed, the date for the vigil which is May 16, 2015 remains unchanged.

“All participants shall converge at ‘ON-THE-RUN’ (also known as Bonjour) on the Legon – Presec Road, towards the old main gate of the University of Ghana,” the statement said.

The actress also entreated all Ghanaians to share their ‘dumsor’ experiences by sending her a mail via dumsormuststop@gmail.com.

The vigil is expected to be a peaceful march by the celebrities and other Ghanaians who will light up candles, torchlights, and lanterns and walk from ON-THE-RUN to the green park opposite the Villagio apartment close to the Tetteh Quarshie Interhange.

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