Tragic teenager sent Facebook suicide note to her mum telling her: 'Hopefully we'll meet again" before hanging herself (READ) | Dayz Entertainment

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The mum of a 14-year-old schoolgirl who hung herself at the family home initially thought she was "messing around", an inquest heard.

Ashdon Muirhead killed herself when her mother Patricia Hewitt went out for a coffee for an hour.

Mrs Hewitt sobbed as she told the inquest at Croydon Coroner's Court how she left tragic Ashdon while she went to buy cleaning products as they were tidying the house before relatives arrived.

She said: "I went out for a coffee between 12 and 1pm with my sister, came back and shouted out 'Ashdon, I've got the furniture polish for you. Ashdon? Ashdon? Ashdon?'

"I walked in and found her in the garage. That was the last place I checked."

"I tried to get her down. I thought she was messing around. I said 'Ashdon, what are you doing up there?'

"For a moment everything just stopped and stood still. I tried to loosen it from her neck and I ran outside and there were people working outside.

"I said to them 'I've found my daughter, I've found my daughter.' I said 'she's hanging in the garage.'"

When stunned neighbours didn't react immediately she returned to the garage.

She said: "I thought 'this is just a dream' and I leaned into the window, thinking she's not going to be there, and for a split second I didn't see her. And then she turned."

A carpenter refurbishing a next-door property told the inquest how that afternoon he found Mrs Hewitt screaming hysterically outside her house in Thornton Heath, south London.

After cutting Ashdon down he laid her on a sofa in the house, although couldn't feel her breathing.

The teenager was rushed to St George's Hospital in Tooting, south London, in cardiac arrest but was pronounced dead at 3.40pm. A post-mortem gave cause of death as asphyxia by suspension.

Ashdon had posted suicide notes via Facebook to friends and her mum.

The teen wrote: "Mum I love you, I miss you, you have the best life ever. Hopefully we will meet again."

In other messages she wished friends 'happy birthday' and told them: "I'm looking down on you."

The inquest heard how the teenager had a healthy social life at school, although ran into difficulty with friends in the months before her death.

Police launched an investigation into her death during which detectives analysed school reports and interviewed friends and teachers.

Detective Constable Chris Francis told the inquest there had been "a number of disagreements" from "misunderstandings" with pals that had gone on "over a period of time".

But he concluded: "There is no evidence that has been presented that she was bullied."

Mrs Hewitt told the inquest: "Honestly I didn't know, I never never expected her to do that. Never, never, never.

"Ashdon loved everybody. She never stopped telling you 'I love you mum, what would I do without you? You're the best mum.'

"She had family who loved her, she was just one of those children. She had so much love around her and she was a loving person. For her to do that, to me it makes no sense."

Recording Ashdon's death as suicide the coroner said: "This is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry for your loss.

"Teenagers are often overwhelmed by strong emotions and find it difficult to see past those emotions. I sometimes wonder if young people who take their own lives realise how permanent it will be."

"Although Ashdon will not know it, her actions will have an effect on her families' lives in a profound way."

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