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There have been several times where the term spiritual marriage has been mentioned. We hear about it in church, communities and almost in every conservation. However, we or others might have little knowledge into what spiritual marriage is all about. I will like us to spend just a little moment of our time exploring into all the deeper secrets about this topic.

I believe it is helpful to begin by defining marriage itself.

 What is marriage?

 According toMerriam Webster dictionary marriage is

1.    The state ofbeing united to a person of the opposite $.e.x…in aconsensual and contractual relationship recognized bylaw.

2.    The institution whereby individuals are joinedin marriage

3.     An intimate or close union.

Marriage, therefore is a legal entity recognized by the society and something seen as a social responsibility. In a place like Ghana, when a woman or man refuses not to marry at some certain stage in life, such a person is frown upon and sometimes not given special duties to perform. In some Christian denominations, people who wished to be ordained as pastors must marry before given such a privilege. All these illustrations shows how important Marriage is.

What is Spiritual marriage?

Whenever we say “spirit”, then we try to mean something which is beyond human calculations or dimensions. If we say, “this is a spiritual entity”, then we try to mean something which can only be seen with the third eye.

With this same illustrations, spiritual marriage can be defined in this way;

1.    The state of being united to a spiritual entity in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by spiritual laws.

2.    The state of being united to a spiritual entity without been informed or marriage done against your will.

From the above definitions, spiritual marriage can be seen in two ways. That is, in short, by your wish and according to a contract and also against your will and ability. That is, been married without a say. Now, let’s dig deeper into the two definitions above.

Spiritual marriage by agreement

There are times where people decides to marry through spiritual means by agreement. That is, you have a knowledge on what is going to happen. In Christianity, once a person accepts Christ into his or her life, the person is legally married to God. In this case, God begins to cater for your wellbeing and everything that matters your life. This is spiritual marriage by agreement.

In another illustration, somebody wishing to join an occult group might also agree to marry some spiritual wives or husbands so he or she may perform some certain task. This is also marriage by agreement.

Spiritual marriage without agreement

When a spiritual marriage goes against your will, you can agree without doubt that you have been used without coming into consensus with that entity. In this type of marriage, the other been used will face some problems. The good news is that, there are signs which will reveal signs of someone been married spiritually. In the next few lines, we will explore such areas.

More on Spiritual marriage

In spiritual terms, a man is married by a spirit wife named as “Succubus” and a woman is married spiritually by a spirit husband named “Incubus”. These mind sound funny but very true. A person might get married through agreement or without such. However,the various problems are usually the same. Let’s go in deeper now.

How a person gets married spiritually?

I guess this might be a question you really want an answer for. There are many ways a person can get a spiritual marriage contract. Let me mention few. You will be shock to find out that all these are very common today and this reveals why Spiritual marriages are widely spoken of today. The following ways includes the avenue through which a person can get married spiritually;

1.    Through pornographic materials;
Most pornographic materials like the magazines, pictures and videos are carried by demons. Majority are done by people who are demonically motivated. A person who spends more time watching and enjoying these can easily be used up.

2.    Through Ancestral spirits;
In some parts of the world, People put belief in ancestors. Sometimes, they even cook and keep some for their dead family members. People who spend time worshipping these dead spirits can easily be married.

3.    Through witchcraft;
In most part of the world, a lot of people are married through witchcraft. This is dark magic where a person uses up the other blindly. The person been used up will experience some signs which will reveal him or her been married spiritually.

4.    By contract;
Some people in their quest for power may be contacted by demons to allow marriage. In this case, it is contract marriage. The person is aware of this and the effect is also the same as one been used without knowledge.

5.    Through $.e.x;
In our world today where people have $.e.x almost everywhere and with any other person, the degree of someone permitting a spiritual marriage is high. Someone, been married spiritually can extend to another through $.e.x and any other $.e.xually motivated way.

6.    Through lifestyles;
This is a broad field. In the spiritual realm, there are more demons moving about and willing to occupy or possess people who allow them. In our world today, anything which is hot and $.e.xy and tends to pull me can also pull demons too. When a man or woman chooses to dress $.e.xily, or baths at the wrong place, such a person can easily be married spiritually.

7.    Through Inheritance;
A person can inherit spiritual marriage from another. This can be in a family line. Especially when the demon is present in the family and moves from one person to the other once the person been occupied is dead. Its just like taking over the properties of a mum or dad. In this same way, demons tends to inherit the souls of the living.

8.    Through rape;
In my other explanation on $.e.x, I made mention of a person taking over when such an activity occurs. In the same way, one can also be married spiritually through rape which is also another form of $.e.xual activity.
There are many avenues through which a person can be married. However, these are the most rated moment of spiritual marriage. Now, lets us look at the next thing on this important discussion.

What are the signs of Spiritual marriage?

Just as a person exhibits some signs when he or she is been attacked by malaria, the same way is seen once a person is married spiritually. There are a number of signs however, I would like to mention the most important ones.

1.    Constant and unprecedented $.e.xual activity in dreams.
2.    Becoming pregnant in dream.
3.    Nursing children in dream.
4.    Wedding in dream.
5.    Constant wet dreams.
6.    Constant masturbation.
7.    Breast feeding babies in dream.
8.    Inability to marry.
9.    Rejection by the opposite $.e.x.
10.    Chains of unprecedented marital problems.
11.    Miscarriages after $.e.x in dreams.
12.    Serious pains in genitals when about to have $.e.x especially when you have received several medical attention.
13.    Having prolonged pregnancy.

These are few signs of spiritual marriages. Now, let’s look at the most important point.

What are the effects of been married spiritually?

Everything seems to have a good side and a bad side but it is not so with spiritual marriages. Such marriages only has a bad side. Let’s look at a few.

1.    A person married spiritually may marry or have his or her marriage delayed.
2.    There are huge financial problems with persons married spiritually.
3.    A person married spiritually will face serious marital problems.
4.    Most divorces are a result of spiritual marriage.
5.    Spiritual marriage leads to the empowerment of lust and decay in the society.
6.    Spiritual marriages leads to terrible sickness, emptiness and other $.e.xual  transmitted diseases which are difficult to be treated.
7.    Spiritual marriages destroys pregnancy.
These are just few and I don’t think you like these things. This shows how bad spiritual marriages are. A number of people have been married to ugly spiritual spouses and we got to destroy this union. If you are ready to deal with this, then read  on!

How do you deal with spiritual marriages?

Before dealing with this, one must understand that these things can only be broken down spiritually. No other physical activity can break it down. The following includes some of the ways to deal with spiritual marriages.

1.    Give your heart to Jesus and repent from all your sins. Demons only get access into the lives of people who allows them. Once you repent of the bad ways, demons cannot stay and therefore has to be forced out.
2.    Break every soul tie with all spiritual marriages through prayer.
3.    Move away from everything which makes you engage in any wrong $.e.xual activity such as por-nography.
4.    Its better to go for deliverance. Deliverance can be down by the person himself or seeing your pastor to help in prayers.

These are all that we can write about spiritual marriages. If you have been blessed reading this, just mail it or share it with a love one today. Spiritual marriages are bad and must be stopped. You can contact me personally if you need more explanation into this. God bless you more and keep your faith strong.


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