17 Signs You Are Being Cheated On | Check The List | Dayz Entertainment

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Have you ever wondered: Is my wife / husband / boyfriend / girlfriend cheating on me? You've met the love of your life, everything is going great, but then out of nowhere, things change – and you suspect your love may be cheating on you. Why do you think that? You say to yourself, "No way, not me," and you think you're just being paranoid. But your gut instinct is telling you otherwise. As much as you don't want to listen to that little voice in the back of your head, you know something's wrong.

Bi-sexual, straight, gay... Cheating knows no bounds. How can you tell if someone's cheating on you? This list of 17 signs you are being cheated on should help. After reading this, hopefully you'll have your answer: either your little voice is just playing tricks on you, or ...

The Worst-Case Scenario
Signed. Sealed. Delivered. If you walk in on your love getting it on with someone else, your suspicions have officially been confirmed.

Love Bites
 If your lover has a hickey and tries to tell you it's something else, well, then that's your own fault for believing them.

Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater
 Here's a sign you got on day one: If they cheated on their previous partner with you, guess what? You're next. If they have a track record of cheating, you'd be a fool not to think they would do it again - even though we all like to think we're the special one that will break our lover's bad habits.

A Friend Holds the Key
 A cheater will always need to tell someone, to offload guilty feelings they may have or (ugh) brag about their conquests. It's very rare that someone can keep their shade to themselves. If you notice your love's friends seem distant or evasive around you, especially when they used to be direct and forthcoming, someone knows what's up.

The Eyes Have It
 Your gut says there's something wrong, but when you ask your partner, you don't get a straight answer. Even worse, they can't seem to look you directly in the eye when trying to explain their questionable activities or whereabouts.

A Brand New STD
 The Holy Grail of cheating signs. Hopefully this never happens to you, of course, but if your lover suddenly shows signs they have contracted an STD - when you know for a fact they never had one prior - that's a sure sign your love is playing on the side. Moreover, they weren't smart about it. First thing? Get tested. Second thing? Plot their demise.

Password Please
 Trying to use a cheater's laptop or phone? Fuhgettaboutit. It's likely password-protected. Even if you do get in, you'll probably find a chat history that has been cleared out, and maybe even an e-mail account you don't recognize...

Got the #2 Blues?
 Everyone has priorities in life: job, family, etc. While we like to be our love's top priority, there are many times where we won't always be #1. However, if you are constantly playing runner-up to everything in your partner's life and are feeling left out, it's time to re-assess.

Dinner for One?
 Your love seems way more interested in spending more time with their "friends" than you. In reality, it's quite possible your baby was out being someone else's baby.

S.e.x? Oh Yeah, I Remember What That Was
 S.e.x: We all need it. If your special someone isn't giving it to you, it's quite possible they're giving it to someone else.

Memory Lane... What Is That Again?
 Reminiscing? Forget it. Trips down memory lane will likely be a sore spot, as your love is either over you and just trying to figure out when to break up - or they feel so guilty about what they've done, it's hard for them to fully enjoy good memories.

I Object!
 When it comes to matters of the heart, people very rarely like to be called out. If you confront your love about your suspicions, and they react by getting overly defensive, chances are they have something to hide. On the other hand, if your love has nothing unsavory to cover up, it would likely be a non-issue.

Be Right Back, Babe!
 All of a sudden, your love seems way more eager to have an excuse to leave the house for 15-20 minutes. Sounds like a perfect time to return a call they don't want you to overhear.

That's Odd. I Don't Remember Buying This
 Unexplained Items: "Honey, when did you get this new wallet?" "Baby, that's a great new piece of jewelry. When did you get it?" "Lover, is that your Starbucks cup you left in the car? Since when do you like coffee?" And the clincher? Well, should you find some underwear beneath your bed that isn't yours, yeah, that usually will seal the deal. (Oh, and if you fall for the ol'  "That underwear must've been left behind in the community laundry machine and got mixed in with my laundry by mistake" line, well yeah... while possible, it's pretty unlikely.)

So Much Overtime, That Paycheck Better Rock
 Your special someone sure is "working" a lot of long hours lately! Yeah. Not to say they are getting theirs from a coworker, but you have to admit, "Oh honey, I had to work late," is a very easy excuse to go out and play. Granted, we all have to work late sometimes, but if it starts becoming more the rule than the exception, take note.

The Classics
 Lipstick on the collar, the faint smell of a cologne or perfume you don't recognize, a little piece of paper in their pocket with someone else's phone number or address... All classic warning signs. 

You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore
The days of cute notes left in your car, a surprise sentimental gift, flowers, chocolates, impromptu weekends away... Those are long gone. Granted, over time, this isn't all that uncommon, but when accompanied by other signs on this list, it's time to take a closer look at your relationship.

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