Chris Brown Is Facing Being Banned From Australia Because Of The Rihanna Case | Dayz Entertainment

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Chris Brown may not be able to tour in Australia later this year because of the 2009 assault against Rihanna. An Australian government minster, Michaelia Cash, is recommending that Brown not be granted a visa by immigration minister Peter Duttton, Billboard reports.

Cash spoke Thursday (Sept. 23) at a launch event for a federal initiative to prevent domestic violence.

“People need to understand if you are going to commit domestic violence and then you want to travel around the world, there are going to be countries that say to you: `You cannot come in because you are not of the character we expect in Australia,'” Cash said.

 Breezy was supposed to take his “One Hell of a Nite” tour to Australia in December and perform four shows.

Minster Cash is not the only one trying to keep Breezy from entering Australia. Activist group GetUp! has gotten over 10,000 signatures on a petition asking for Brown not to be granted entry into the continent due to his past domestic violence charges.

Radio station Nova FM has also decided to not to support the tour anymore.

An immigration official reportedly said that the “Zero” singer will not be eligible for a visa  unless “given a special direction.”

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