Facebook has profiled your personality and here's how you can see what they think of you | Dayz Entertainment

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Facebook knows you very well.

It collects and stores all the information about what you 'like', comment on and post every day.

It then uses that information to build up a profile of you that is uses to target you with adverts and content it presumes you will like.

Fortunately, researchers at the University of Cambridge have a developed a free new online tool that will comb through your Facebook profile and replicate what the social media giant thinks of you.

It's called 'Apply Magic Sauce', and it starts with your gender, intelligence, political standing, sexual preference and life satisfaction.

It then moves on to the so-called "Big 5" personality traits: openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.

Using your Facebook likes and comparing them to other people on the massive social network, it will give you an unvarnished look at your own personality.

"One of the challenges with our modern online lives is that data is being collected about us and predictions are made, but we never get to see what Facebook is doing behind the scenes," Dr David Stillwell, the researcher behind the test, told MailOnline .

"We wanted to show people, given this fairly innocuous data, this is the prediction Facebook can make about them," he said.
Once you log in via Facebook, the tool will show you your results almost instantly. The website says it will only collect your profile's likes - and it won't store any of the information once complete.

Apply Magic Sauce is a clear indicator of the amount of data that can be harvested from a social media profile.

"Social media mishaps have become commonplace and can end up costing someone much more than just their jobs," said Kassem Younis, founder and CEO of Thoughts Around Me, an app for people to anonymously share their thoughts.

"Users are becoming much more careful with what they post, which in turn is actually harming their ability to speak honestly and openly," he said.

"In a world where there is so much for all of us to process that we judge on perception, having what you really think attached to your identity can really harm your own brand because of the missing context."

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