Loner student Liam Lyburd planned murderous rampage at college with pipe bombs, gun and CS gas | Dayz Entertainment

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A teenager has been jailed for life after he was found guilty of plotting mass murder at his former college.

During sentencing, the judge warned that "it was just a matter of time" before he would have put his murderous plan into action, had police not been tipped off.

Judge Paul Sloan QC said: "Hearing the evidence in this case was, to say the least, a chilling experience.

"It is clear from everything I have read that the level of danger posed to the public by you is high."

After setting the eight year minimum term Lyburd must serve behind bars, the judge warned him the psychiatric evidence suggested it might be a "very long time indeed" before he is considered safe enough to be released.

It means the 19-year-old must serve at least eight years before he is even considered for parole.

Lyburd did not react when he was led away.

He was jailed at Newcastle Crown Court having admitted possessing the items and being found guilty of having them with intent to endanger life.

The judge said he was in no doubt that Lyburd would have carried out his planned attack had he not been caught.

Lyburd gave no reaction as the judge sentenced him and told him: "Your emotional coldness and detachment and your lack of empathy to others was self-evident."

The court heard how he blamed the college for his “miserable life” and 'making him look a fool' and created a twisted "kill bag" containing pipe bombs he had made and a Glock semi-automatic handgun.

He also had 94 expanding bullets he had bought on the internet when they raided his home in Newcastle in November.

In court this morning, he appeared wearing a grey sweater and was laughing with the dock officer just moments before his sentence was passed.

Lyburd had admitted nine charges relating to making five pipe bombs, two home-made explosive devices, possessing a 9mm Luger Calibre Glock gun, the hollow-point ammunition and CS gas.

A jury previously convicted him of eight charges of possessing those items with an intent to endanger life at Newcastle College following a trial at Newcastle Crown Court.

Detective Superintendent George Duff, who led the investigation, spoke after the sentencing at the court and said he was pleased that Lyburd was behind bars.

He said: "I'm pleased with today's outcome and the verdict the jury has reached in this case. This has been an excellent investigation by the police and it has been fully supported by our partner agencies.

"Lyburd is a dangerous man who intended to cause serious harm. He at no point has shown any remorse for what he intended to do. By not admitting his wrongdoing in the first instance shows the utter lack of consideration for those he intended to harm.

"Thankfully the courts and the jury came to the best decision and today Lyburd is behind bars where he belongs.

"His actions not only caused threats to certain people but it also caused concern and disruption to the local community and I would like to thank them for their cooperation throughout the investigation."

Lyburd had denied all eight charges.

Police were alerted by a concerned member of the public about posts Lyburd made, in the name Felix Burns, talking about launching a murderous attack.

They were led to the bedroom which he had rarely left for months and found the cache of weapons, the bag containing his sinister overalls, mask, boots and pipe bombs, and incriminating evidence on his laptop.

A computer specialist recovered a deleted file from his computer in which he wrote about getting vengeance on the college which had kicked him out two years before.

It said: "You people ruined my whole life, don't expect me to show mercy today. No-one disrespects me and gets away with it.

"I'll teach you people a little lesson on respect with my 9mm jacketed hollow points.

"It's time for extreme civil disobedience.

"Fantasy will become reality today for sure. Where the mind goes the body will follow and, yes, people will die, there's no question about that."

As Lyburd was taken away by police, he laughed and told officers they had saved lives, preventing what would have otherwise been a massacre at the college.

They found webcam pictures he took of himself dressed for combat, armed with a Glock and brandishing a knife.

He was to tell the jury the pictures were part of a plot to draw attention to himself online and to get a reaction as he was lonely.

Dressing up in the outfit was just like other people having Halloween costumes, he claimed, and he had no intention of shooting anyone.

But Nick Dry, prosecuting, told the court that this was no fantasy, and there was every intent to endanger life with the chilling weaponry he had amassed.

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