MUST READ: The Disgraceful State & All You Need To Know About Kintampo Water Falls | Dayz Entertainment

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Kintampo, named as the center of Ghana is really blessed with a lot of natural sceneries. Apart from the municipal serving as a link to the north and southern part of Ghana, Kintampo is also seen as an area which receive most tourist attractions. One major tourist site is the Waterfalls. The Kintampo waterfalls is located on the Kumasi- Tamale road. It is about 4km away from Kintampo Township. The Kintampo waterfalls is also located on a river called “Pumpu” which is a tributary of the Black Volta. The Kintampo waterfalls was known during the colonial era as the “Saunder’s falls”. Majority of the visits into Kintampo is as a result of the waterfalls.

Interestingly, the Kintampo waterfalls receives countless visits throughout the year. There are numerous programmes held on every holiday, and more during the Christmas holidays. About 20 minutes’ drive from Kintampo Falls is the less visited and more serene Fuller Falls. These falls have an upper and lower falls in a cool, peaceful, reflective environment. These two falls have elevated the name of Kintampo so high.

Other tourist sites in Kintampo is the historical heritage which includes the geographical centre of Ghana, the slave market, caves and night Camp at Kunsu; and the European cemetery where the eight of the ‘Gold Coast Regiment’ were buried. The British established several operational offices during the colonial period. Kintampo was the seat of the commissioner of the Ashanti Region. Several of the original British buildings are still standing. Festivals celebrated in Kintampo include the Yam and Bush Burning festivals by the Mos’, Nyefie festival of the Bonos’, Damba festival of the Dagombas and Gonjas’, Munufie festival by the Nkoranzas’ and the Krubi festival by the Wangara.

However, those who actually visited Kintampo are very sad to meet less development and ask whether this is the center of Ghana they have heard about. Upon all the numerous ethnicity and various festivals celebrated, there have been few development. This report will land heavily on the Waterfalls which has raised the name of the Municipal high. The following include the major findings.

First, the Kintampo waterfalls seems to be somebody’s personal property when it is supposed to be for the town. This has resulted to its less development. Money collected are not published and no one is held accountable for its poor state. Surprisely, there was a time when those who visited the place were bitten by some flies. It took a whole radio station to speak for weeks before it was done. Others have suggested that, the place be handed over to a private man to cater for it. If this natural scenery is seen as a family property or personal property, then there is sure to be poor development in the place. The Municipal Assembly takes some shares of money collected from visits to these tourist sites. So, what is been done and who is putting the Assembly on their knees? No one! So, nothing is expected.

Further, one major factor which promotes tourism is accessibility. Accessibility goes on to mention that, there should be good roads leading to these tourist sites. Apart from some few roads leading to Kintampo, the main road and township roads is nothing to write home about. It is very pathetic to see half of the main road unfurnished. These roads really discourage people from engaging in tourism as a whole. As a result of this poor nature of road network, there have been unprecedented accidents where people have lost their lives. Roads leading to the main waterfalls over the years have been marked as a number one accident zone. This discourages people. The Assembly and those responsible for keeping these sites keep watching and instead of creating a permanent solution to this threat keep on watching.

More importantly, the route leading to waterfalls needs much security. Thankfully, there have been military patron during the night. But what about the daytime when the place is actually in use?  Security plays a key role in the promotion of tourism. There have been countless situations where tourist have been murdered and others robbed. With this, what kind of security is been provided at this grounds? I don’t know of any security service at this place. If people will lose their lives at this tourist grounds, then more work is to be done.

The current rate for visiting the waterfalls is Five or ten Ghana cedis (10.00) on public holidays and Three Ghana Cedis on ordinary days. However, the question we need to ask is, what is been done to improve the attractiveness of the site? If we keep taking money and nothing is actually not done about it, then it is a clear wastage of money and resources. We could plant more trees to help prevent too much evaporation or other structures which will help to pull people towards this scenery.

Finally, I will like to say that revenue gathered from this site should not only enter the pocket of one person or a group of persons but rather should be used to develop the town. Any person who has actually visited Kintampo sees nothing but filth and few developments. The only reason Kintampo has gained much publicity is as a result of this waterfalls so if we do not do help to develop the town then it’s something else.
I will be very happy if any person responsible for the development of Kintampo and all the natural sceneries does his work properly. It’s a shame that the youth have been very quiet and seems to be content with everything. Let’s be up and doing.


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