The Effects Of Night Clubs On The Youth of Ghana | Dayz Entertainment

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Ghana is gradually becoming a free country just like America. In America, everybody has got the free right to do anything he or she will love to do. Recently, a group of people were given their right to marry whoever they wish to. Just some time ago, a guy in America who was occupied with too much rights and freedom decided to burn the Moslems’ Holy Book. It took the President to help this individual revert his decision. This is how much freedom in America is doing. Unlike America, Ghana is gradually becoming a free nation. When I talk of been free, I mean to say the situation whereby anybody can do anything without anyone questioning. Sometimes, people who do question are frown upon and it seems people do not even understand such people at all. However, I must make it clear that somethings must be spoken against. One biggest issue in Ghana is the activities of these restaurants, hotels and individual night club activities.

First, we all know that hotels, restaurants and others go a long way in providing us with food at any time. However, one funny thing with their operations is that, in their quest in pulling customers, is the introduction of music. Music is the food to the soul and almost everyone including animals understands it too. These firms do play music from morning to morning. Their worst side is seen during the weekends, holidays and especially during festivities. Sometimes, I do wonder if they are been controlled or made sure whether they do not go against their limit. These music disturb people who live close in such a way that most do not sleep at all. It seems to me that no one controls their sound limit. Is that a right or freedom to disturb? 

Further, it’s always made clear that children who are not up to the age of 18 (an age qualifying one to be an adult in Ghana) are not to come to their premises. However, it’s both funny and pathetic to see kids who are even under 10 years rallying in their numbers. I always have a problem with the costumes of the kids. What are we teaching them? Prostitution, drunkenness, indecency. Yes. This is what we are teaching our further generations. These kids dress up sexily. I had a time to witness what these people do at these night clubs. Whiles others have sex close to uncompleted buildings close by, others are seen lying drunk and been assisted by men who are old enough to be fathering these children. Why wouldn’t there be too much teenage pregnancies, abortions, rate of sexual transmitted infections going high, students doing poorly in their examination? 

Moreover, a lot of these night clubs go a long way of promoting prostitution. Let me explain this point into details. Ladies are free to come in. Men have to come in to make good use of the ladies. However, the ladies who come are our own children who are actually awake or have refused to sleep and have sneaked out of their rooms when their parents are sleeping. This is not a prophecy since am no prophet at all. But, if we are not careful with this, soon we will not have any good kids around.

What must be done? The media, government, the religious bodies, individuals must come out to make sure the operations of these night clubs, restaurants, hotels and others are brought to their right course. It’s worst in Brong Ahafo and pathetic in Kintampo, both north and South. If you are against this acts by these clubs, put up your hands up and speak against it.

Source: Adjei Emmanuel/

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