Top Five Celebrity Quotes of The Week | Dayz Entertainment

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Been a celebrity is not just about sharing pictures on Facebook or videos on Instagram. Sometimes, the situation demands that, fans and people who follow these Hot dudes are motivated in some way.

Within the week, there have been several words or statements these celebrities we have in Ghana have shared on their various pages just to motivate their fans. I have gathered the top five of them. Read them and enjoy to the fullness.

5. Asoredee Mathew (Nonfa):
A young artist from who is really on top form at the moment. Most of his songs speaks about how to live a normal life. Most young people today in our societies brands themselves in such a way that people will see them to big but are not really are. Asoredee shared this on his personal Facebook Page and its worth sharing. Follow him on Facebook by liking Asoredee

"A great experience is not when a person gets everything on a silver platter but when that person works double time to achieve his/her goal

4. Shatta Wale:
Shatta Wale takes the fourth place on our top five quotes this week. After winning an award from 4syte, the leader of the Shatta Movement is here to motivate his fans. His statement talked about how people should be content with whatever they have been given. Read it below:
"No Matter how bad your situation, You should always be Grateful and Thankful to God.
Because someone somewhere, wishes to be Like You.
May God Help The Poor And The Needy,
And If we Join Hands Together , We Can Make The World A Better Place.
May God Be With Us All."

3.Funny Face:
The actor and comedian, Funny Face is one of the enjoying person to follow on Facebook. This is what he shared on his facebook wall for his fans:

"Whatever you are going thru now ... Ur case is not the worst .. If you hear abt someone's own ... You will cry ... Happy yourself and thank GOD .. for LIFE is short "

2. Yaw Siki:
Years ago, Siki was a Hiplife rapper but today, the "wope dodo" hitmaker in those days is changed. If you really want to get motivated, then you have to follow Yaw Siki on Facebook. His words are fire and can change. Let's read a post of his which put him on the second spot:

Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy” – 1 Peter 1; 15 -16… Sin cannot inherit the kingdom of God; repent from that life of sin or you will be on your way to hell. Don’t obey the lust of the flesh nor of this world, rather be obedient in Christ, a doer of God’s word. Be found holy in all your conduct when Jesus is revealed, for He will reward you according to your deeds.

1. Akoo Nana
The Hiplife music seems to hide a lot of things from fans these days. There have been several artists who left the scene and changed their lifestyle. An example is Lord Kenya. He was so good in the rap and he got changed. Today, He moves around sharing news about the Love of God.
This week, Akoo Nana takes the first spot with the best celebrity quotes or words. This is why he is the reason:

Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, "I find no pleasure in them"- Ecc. 12:1
I have decided to remember my creator in the days of my youth and I won't let the public mockery and ridicule of my decision push me to deny my love for God.
It is my prayer that the peace and blessings of God multiply on us all and on our families. ‪#‎ConfirmYourBlessing‬

We will be back again with another list next week. Do share with your friends.


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