Top Seven Dying Words Of People Who Faced Death Sentence | Dayz Entertainment

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Nobody really wants to die but whenever one meets it, there are certain words they say. That is, their last words. It is also a known fact that, the dying words of a man is taken very serious. I have compiled below seven strong dying words of people who were facing execution. Read them with your heart. All the best.

1.Karla Faye Tucker: "Yes sir, I would like to say to all of you — the Thornton family and Jerry Dean’s family — that I am so sorry. I hope God will give you peace with this. [She looked at her husband.] Baby, I love you. [She looked at Ronald Carlson.] Ron, give Peggy a hug for me. [She looked at all present weeping and smiling.] Everybody has been so good to me. I love all of you very much. I am going to be face to face with Jesus now. Warden Baggett, thank all of you so much. You have been so good to me. I love all of you very much. I will see you all when you get there. I will wait for you".
Executed by injection, Texas.

2. A male prostitute who turned to killing homosexuals, was executed by lethal injection early today, mouthing his last words, "I love you," to the district attorney who prosecuted him for two murders.Executed by injection, New York.Sean Flannagan

3. There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is God's messenger.Executed by hanging, at Camp Justice in the Baghdad suburb of KhadimiyaSaddam Hussein d. December 30, 2006

4. I die innocent of all the crimes laid to my charge; I Pardon those who have occasioned my death; and I pray to God that the blood you are going to shed may never be visited on France.Executed by guillotine Louis XVI of France

5. Today is a good day to die. I forgive all of you. I hope God does too.Executed by injection, Virginia.Mario Benjamin Murphy

6. Farewell, my children, forever. I go to your Father.Executed by guillotine.Monsieur, I beg your pardon.Spoken to the executioner, after she stepped on his foot.Marie Antoinette, Queen of France

7. You are going to hurt me, please don't hurt me, just one more moment, I beg you!Guillotined.Madame du Barry, mistress of Louis XV

Honestly, I don't know what is going to be your last words before you depart the earth. Do good and you will be glad when dying.


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