Train Station to be named after Kanye West | Dayz Entertainment

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More than 1,000 people have signed a petition to rename Kent train station Canterbury West. It already sounds a bit like Kanye West, doesn't it?
"Kanye West is more than just another celebrity propping up the hit parade; he is the greatest human being of our time," commuter Mark Kilner wrote as he launched the petition on .

"Kanye has not always been afforded the respect he deserves. We cannot undo past wrongs such as retroactively giving Taylor Swift’s Grammy Award to BeyoncĂ© … but we can show our appreciation in other ways, and what better start than renaming Canterbury West Station to Kanye West Station?"

He added: "I see this as the first step towards a brighter future when the whole of Canterbury is renamed after Kanye; visitors can come and go via Kanye West Station or Kanye East Station (or indeed, Kanye Bus Station), pilgrims can flock to Kanye Cathedral to pay homage to the great man"

One fan wrote: "Kanye is the greatest and should be honoured in any way possible."

Another joked: "This is the single most important issue affecting this country at this time."

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