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Beauty they say lies in the eyes of the beholder. Every person and his or her own judgement on how beautiful somebody may be. That is, what I may see as beautiful might not be the same for you. However, when we go through our society today, the media has set up something they refer to as Beauty shows. Such beauty shows may include fashion shows, modelling and others. In Ghana for example, there are countless beauty shows which include the following: Miss Ghana, Miss Malaika, and others.

For sometime now, I have been wondering what at all is the importance in these shows. I know perfectly that there are a number of people who might also have the same feeling that I have concerning this activity. Actually upon careful research, I came to this conclusion that there might be some merits as well as demerits in these frequent shows.

First on the merits, a lot of people will agree without any kind of doubt that these shows made for the ladies has helped to boost gender balance. There was a time in Ghana if the world as a whole that these female side of creation could not speak out or be heard. Their place was in the kitchen as we all know. Another purpose which many people know is their duty they have to do to their husbands. That was the only places or times where women were heard. However, these beauty shows has helped incredibly and given them some voice where they can speak up their problems. One funny thing is that, men always listen to the voices of women especially when their beauties subjugates their strengths. 

More importantly, through beauty shows, some hidden talents in women are made known and developed. Some of these talents have helped to promote develop some parts of the country especially where these winners of these competitions are hailing from. These winners of these competitions also serve as ambassadors of some countries to help foster peace or help put something beneficial to their countries involved.
There are several importances however I will believe these are the best points. Now let's look at some reasons why I think we are wasting precious moments.

Interestingly, whiles I believe there are several importances in these shows, sometimes I really do not understand why a whole country should be put on hold because some half naked women are made to parade on a platform for some people to interview them. Whenever there is a beauty show, all the girls get glued to their television sets. Most often all the contestants are the beautiful ones. Some the question is "where are the odd ones?", "why are they not joining?". Does this shows portray that some type of ladies are only welcomed?

Further, apart from the awards these beauty winners get, they are sponsored to stay away from the country and finally gets married to some rich guys. Am not just been jealous but what is the real importance if these girls are married off?. What at all is the benefit that we get from them? I don't really understand this at all. So, we sat glued to our television sets for months or so and all we are made to believe is that, the said winner gets married. Interesting. This is hard to belief.

Now, what do these shows tell us? Half naked girls on stage, girls taught how to apply make ups, girls taught how to walk sexily. These shows tells us that only outward beauty is important. Each year, only beautiful girls parade around the audition halls. Excuse me to say, only the beautiful ones. Sometimes, even those who watch these shows are quick to determine who is gonna win it. We are not teaching our girls anything concerning what real beauty is all about.

More importantly, there are various ways we can help to reduce poverty. When you look at the number of sponsors who come begging, then  it becomes very serious. There are a number of people who are crying in the dark for money, food,  encouragement, for water and others. All these people sometimes sit in the dark crying and no one seems to pay attention. Go to Kejetia, the Zongos, all those deprived people. No one helps but we are quick to sponsor girls who will expose their sexy bodies. I know someone will say that these winners helps to foster development in their communities but what at all has they done. Let's be sincere. 

I have no problem or any kind of jealousy but these beauty shows are wasting much time. There are few advantages but the other side is not encouraging. If the organizers of these shows can come back and do better, it will help. I rest my case.

Source: www.dayZentertainment.com

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