Top 10 Africa Countries "who live and bath in alcohol" | Dayz Entertainment

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The 10 biggest alcohol drinking nations in Africa has always been a topic of big debate between us Africans, but for sure alcohol consumption in eastern Europe and south America is a culture, especially in Russian federation, Belarus and Ukraine even Germany all have a record on alcohol consumption.
In many countries people don’t always wake up to a Saturday morning the same. some get up really sober why some get up really hang overred, On this exclusive article we shall try to solve the puzzle of the 10 biggest alcohol drinking countries in Africa using a statistical calculation of the liters consumed per year.
Honestly, when i first got my hand the list i was famished, because i had some countries i never expected them on the list, but to my greatest surprise they made the exclusive list. before we deep in to the list, i must warn you that the majority of the type of alcohol consumed in most of this nations in the 10 biggest alcohol drinking countries in Africa, is very very traditional and locally made. which is not good for the human liver.
Remember excessive alcohol consumption is very harmful to your health, so keep those bottles down and  you will stay around a lot longer.

10. Tanzania-7.7 liters/year
In Tanzania 11% of alcohol consumption comes from beer, and only 0.2% comes from wine, which is actually beneficial to heart. 1.8% comes from spirits and 87% of alcohol consumption is from other types of alcohol. Tanzanians are known to make moonshine-and  very traditional type of  alcoholic drinks, which the local population tend to Obliged more. since virtually halve the population live below $1 per day. and the moon shine alternatives are way cheaper.

9. Botswana – 7.96 liters/year
Botswana also one of the 10 biggest alcohol drinking countries in Africa,among the alcohol consumption – 42% – coming from the “other” category. But its beer consumption is even higher, making up 57% of the total. This may be due to the high consumption of Botswana’s national beer, St Louis, though many (locals and visitors alike) say that St. Louis is worse than the cheapest light beers found elsewhere in the world. Many opt for beer imports from nearby South Africa or Namibia instead. which firmly solidifies its spot among the elite 10 biggest alcohol drinking countries in Africa.

8. Gabon – 9.32 liters/year
The favored alcoholic drink of choice for Gabonians is clear. While 10% and 22% of alcohol consumption in Gabon comes from wine and spirits respectively, 68% comes from beer. The cheapest and most popular beer in Gabon is Regab, costing from $0.70 to $2, and the lack of tax on any alcoholic beverages makes it easy to import from abroad. In-fact Gabon is a dream nation for all alcohol aficionado, because it has the cheapest priced alcoholic beverages in Africa and only second to the Russian Federation in the world.

7. South Africa – 9.46 liters/year
Alcohol is a lot more expensive here than in Gabon. In such a big country, it’s no surprise there’s a wider break-up of preferred beverage choice: 56% of consumption comes from beer, which is no surprise because people are little more economically sound, while 17%, 16%, and 11% come from wine, spirits, and “other” respectively. The most popular beer brands are Castle and Black Label, but the country’s extensive wine vineyards, particularly in Stellenbosch and the Western Cape, produce some of the world’s most popular wines as well. The wine capital of African takes the 7th spot in the 10 biggest alcohol drinking countries in Africa.

6. Burundi – 9.47 liters/year
Narrowly beating out South Africa, drinkers in Burundi overwhelmingly prefer “other” drinks, which make up 81% of consumption. Beer, by comparison, makes up 19% of alcohol consumption and wine and spirits barely make a showing. The most famous drink in the Burundi is urwarwa or banana wine, produced in the traditional method and consumed most often during festivals and special occasions. Alcohol drinking in Burundi is almost like a tradition.

5. Namibia – 9.62 liters/year
Like its South African neighbor, Namibia has a wide break-down of favorite drinks, but beer carries the most weight with 67% of alcohol consumption. Spirits make up 20%, wine makes up 7% and “other” chips in at 6%. The country’s flagship beer, Windhoek Lager, is popular across the country and surrounding region, and is similar to many lighter German beers (not surprising, given the colonial history) is almost like Namibia was colonized to consume alcohol.

4. Rwanda – 9.10 liters/year
Just 8% of alcohol consumption comes from beer in Rwanda, despite the popular Turbo King, Primus, and Amstel brands being widely available. The other 92 percent is largely from homemade drinks such as the banana beer, urgwagwa, and the fermented honey drink, ubuki. Ikigage, made from dry sorghum, is also common in Rwanda.

3. Kenya – 9.72 liters/year
While just 43% of Kenya’s alcohol consumption comes from beer, some of the popular beer brands in Kenya includes Tusker Lager, Tusker Premium Lager, Alcohol consumption in Kenya became so rampant that the government made steps to cub the rate. Also in Kenya women are not left out in Alcohol consumption unlike in most countries on this list, especially Nigeria. Kenyan women also drink as much alcohol as the men. there are also other alcoholic brands in Kenya and the consumption of wine is also rampant, but only among the very “elite” those at the apex of the Kenyan economy.

2. Uganda – 11.93 liters/year
Ahead of the pack by a long shot is Uganda with 11.93 liters of alcohol consumed each year. Just 4% of consumption comes from beer and 2% from wine, with the “other” category a resounding winner at 94% of consumption. The generic term for domestically distilled beverages in Uganda is  the famous Ugandan Waragi,which contain around 42% of Alcohol making it one of the most alcoholic spirit in the world. but this can cover a wide variety of drinks: pombe and lubisi, or locally made banana or millet beer, tonto, a traditionally fermented drink made from bananas, banana wine, and many more.During my visit to Kampala, most times i wondered if people actually had jobs. because from 24hrs to 7 days a week at every time people where always in the pubs consuming alcohol. if not for the respect of statistics and the heavy population of Nigeria, Uganda would have easily become the Drunkest nation in Africa by a million Miles. A fun country to visit for alcohol aficionados. strongly remains 2nd in the 10 Biggest alcohol drinking countries in Africa.

1. Nigeria – 12.28 liters/year
No. 1 in Africa for alcohol consumption by the virtue of population which technically results in higher volume and liters consumed per year. Beer makes up just 16% of alcohol consumption in Nigeria, while “other” drinks make up 84% due to the high popularity of home-brewed beverages. Religious lawmakers are making it more difficult and expensive to produce and sell alcohol in the country. Known as Nigeria’s home brew, “ogogoro” is an extremely alcoholic drink . It has 30%-to-60% ethyl alcohol content, depending on how it’s made, and is produced from the juice of raffia palm trees, also some Nigerians also have the famous palm wine especially in the east of the country, palm win is simply the natural alcohol and is also found in other parts of west and central Africa.

So that is the 1O Biggest Alcohol Drinking Countries In Africa you can also contribute your own opinion on the list.

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