Ghanaian DJ's Are The One's making Ghana Music Unpopular - Gemini | Dayz Entertainment

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We had a long talk with Ghana's doppest rapper, Gemini through Koma who hosted the drive time show with the Chapta O crew on Ultimate Radio in UDS, Wa campus. Our questions were so carefully written and asked and the fastest rapper took his time to attend to all.

When asked on why Nigerian music seems to be invading into the Ghanaian music industry, Gemini was quick to give the following reasons.

"Most Nigerians musicians learnt the act of music from Ghana especially the HighLife. However, there is one reason why most Nigerian music seems to be invading into Ghana. Its the Ghanaian D.J's. Sometimes, when you watch video songs played on our television stations, its all about Nigerian songs. So how do you expect the Ghanaian songs to also go up"

"I must also say that, we learn from the Nigerians and they also does the same. However, when you go to Nigeria, Ghanaian music is not always played on air. Its all about their music. But Ghanaian D.J's does the opposite"

Gemini added quickly the panacea to this situation.
D.J's must also help to hype Ghanaian music. We must support our own and help to make music better in the country.


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