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The Local Government Minister, Alhaji Collins Dauda,has urged traditional rulers in the country to prioritise communal sanitation to prevent the ever increasing sanitation related diseases.
He made this call last Saturday when he joined a mamoth crowd at Suma Ahenkro in the Jaman North district to mark the beginning of the Suma Akwantukese Festival and also observe the National Sanitation Day in the Brong Ahafo Region.

He said the adage,"cleanliness is next to Godliness"was still valid hence chiefs had a role in making their people keep their surroundings clean,and by putting it to practice the people had to involve it in their daily lives to help them stay healthy.

Addressing the natives after the clean up exercise at the forecourt of the Suma Ahenkro palace,the Asunafo South MP praised Odeneho Nana DR. Afram Brempong III,the Omanhene of Suma Traditional Area, for supporting the NSD,a government initiative,and urged him to do more to keep the district clean through clean up exercises.

"I'm so happy that Nana and all  you have seen the need to save government the headache of investing huge sums of money to drive filth from the country through clean up exercises like this",he added.

Alhaji Dauda reiterated that embracing the NSD is equivalent to welcoming good health for a better Ghana hence chiefs had to regularise communal labours to keep their communities clean.

The country has been battling to do away with filth through  sanitation programmes yet  due to bad human  conducts such dumping refuse in gutters,by road sides,in river bodies among others,filth keeps on engulfing the country.

Open defecation in the Jaman North district is said to have contributed to the sporadic scattering of plastic bags in almost every part of the district which the district assembly is battling to deal with.

"Many lives and properties worth thousands of cedis are lost almost every year through floods and several avoidable illnesses  because we choose to throw garbage in gutters and all that yet some chiefs look on unconcerned",he said worryingly.

Honourable Dauda continued that chiefs in the country should help government to deal with the sanitation problems the country is facing,adding that "unlike the Omanhene of Suma,other chiefs have not seen the need to lead their people to encourage sanitation".

Concluding his speech,Honourable Dauda promised the people a 20-seater modern KVIP for Suma Ahenkro to curb open defecation.

But advising the citizenry on the importance of healthy living,the District Chief Executive of the district, Mr Nti Ateware Daniel said the people should always rally behind government and traditional rulers to deal with sanitation offenders to deter others and also take part of the NSD every month to help government win the fight against filth.

Source: Piesie Okrah/www.dayzEntertainment.com

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