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The chairman of The Apostles' Continuation Church,Apostle-General Clement Brakatu,has admonished pastors to be charitable to the poor with proceeds they get from their churches to signify that they are indeed Christ's followers.

In his estimation,the Bible teaches Christians to give alms to the poor yet "some pastors think it refers to church members alone,forgetting that they are not exempted from being charitable too".

He said pastors should not enrich themselves and their immediate families with their share of what they gain from the church,leaving the poor in their church to " die in poverty when they (pastors) can help them to overcome their weakness and see that Christianity is not about pastors gaining wealth from their churches but it is about sharing love with people."

Apostle Brakatu's call comes at a time some pastors in the country have been flaunting wealth acquired through their churches as though it is a convention for pastors to show off assets they have.

Speaking at a ceremony in the Brong Ahafo region where the Brakatu Foundation headed  by his wife,MRS Elizabeth Brakatu was donating toiletries and bed sheets to the Sampa Government Hospital in the Jaman North district, Apostle Brakatu revealed that Jesus Christ whose footsteps Christians are following was very generous hence every christian had to see it as a duty to develop the habit of alms giving to justify the historic death of Christ.

Advising pastors who forcibly take monies from the sick and vulnerable people when they are in need of redemption, he cautioned that: "Jesus whom we are all following was love.He loved the people that he had to feed people he was about to preach to which the Bible depicts in Luke 9:12-18.

" Did you hear Jesus charging the sick for healing them?",he quizzed.

"It is very unfortunate that today you hear some pastors charging atrocious fees for praying for people.The Bible never teaches that. You have to give to people so your boundaries are extended, says the Bible......this is a principle to make Christians rich yet they refuse to do it and claim they want blessings from God - an impossible thing "

Adding to his advice,Chairman Brakatu said pastors should make alms giving a routine act and should not get tired of it because over twenty years of being in the Lord's vine yard,he sees giving to the needy , especially the sick as a way of unlocking blessings for church workers.

Story by: Emmanuel Henryson Okrah/

12 Apr 2016

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