BECE leakage: NAGRAT calls for immediate resignation of WAEC boss | Dayz Entertainment

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The National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) has asked for the head of the Ghana Office of the West African Examination Council (WAEC) Sam Ollennu to step down.

This follows the massive leakage and cancellations of five papers in the ongoing Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE).

The Association also wants the dissolution of the WAEC Board.

Joy News’ Michaela Anderson was at a news conference and reports that NAGRAT is blaming WAEC for the leakage.

The group said it was necessary for the Rev Ollennu to step aside because his continuous presence as the Council’s head will influence the investigation process.

Vice President of NAGRAT, Angel Kabonu said “the results that students churn out is a reflection of our competence or otherwise and if people are adamant to our call…because our call does not stem from only what has happened this year, we have series of historical developments that we will present to the table, if that is not done we will have to reconsider our relationship with that examination body.

“Don’t forget the questions are from us, the assessment and marking of the examination is from us, we invigilate the examination and without us the examination cannot go on”, he added.

He indicated that examination body should be blamed for the leakage and no one else.

“When papers leak and the questions are on the internet, whatsApp and students could email them, then we will have to ask ourselves the question ‘where is it coming from’, definitely it is coming from WAEC”.

Angel Kabonu says students should not be made to pay for the incompetence of the Council.

Founder of Ashesi University, Patrick Awuah agrees with NAGRAT.

He is angry about how this canker continues to fester adding that the first step in dealing with cheating during examinations is for leadership of WAEC to be dismissed.

“We need to get beyond announcing the leakage and cancelling papers and really get into a process of house cleaning at WAEC, they really need to clean their house because clearly, individuals within that organisation are causing these leakages”.

These individuals according to him, need to be identified and sanctioned and “if we are unable to find these individuals who are doing this, I would say they need to look at the leadership of WAEC because at the end of the day the buck has to stop somewhere”.

Patrick Awuah said the leakages are occurring as a result of a weak leadership at WAEC and “that leadership must be changed”.

He added that the situation will not change unless tough measures and decisions are taken.

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