Christian pastor to be charged with HATE CRIME after calling Islam ‘Satanic’ (CLICK) | Dayz Entertainment

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Pastor James McConnell triggered controversy when he said he did not trust Muslims during a firebrand sermon at his north Belfast church last year.

State prosecutors have deemed the comments to be ‘grossly offensive” in law, and have launched a legal action against him.

The pastor has since apologised for causing any offence after meeting delegates at the city’s Islamic Centre.

The prosecution seems to be based on the fact the pastor’s sermon was streamed online.

Today Northern Ireland's Public Prosecution Service (PPS) said the firebrand preacher had refused to accept a lesser punishment which meant the case would not have gone to court.

A spokeswoman said: "I can confirm that following consideration of a complaint in relation to an internet broadcast of a sermon in May 2014, a decision was taken to offer an individual an informed warning for an offence contrary to the Communications Act 2003.

"That offence was one of sending, or causing to be sent, by means of a public electronic communications network, a message or other matter that was grossly offensive. The offer of an informed warning was refused by the defendant and accordingly the matter is now proceeding by way of a summary prosecution in the Magistrates Court."


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