Photos of baby celebrities who grew to be extremely famous people | Dayz Entertainment

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It’s easy to forget that even the biggest celebrities, whose beautiful faces we constantly see grace the glossy covers of magazines and movie posters, also got their start just like the rest of us: as babies. That’s right, even mega-stars had to be born and face all the awkwardness of growing up.

Check out these household names from way back when they were more adorable than glamorous!

1.) Jay-Z

2.) Eminem

3.) Kanye West

4.) Meryl Streep

5.) Brad Pitt

6.) Angelina Jolie

7.) Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson

8.) Britney Spears

9.) Brooke Shields

10.) Ashton Kutcher

11.) Adam Sandler

12.) Blake Shelton

13.) Harrison Ford

14.) Justin Timberlake

15.) John Travolta

16.) Zooey Deschanel

17.) Charlize Theron

18.) Madonna

19.) Emilio Estevez

20.) Jammie Foxx

21.) Gwyneth Paltrow

22.) Katy Perry

23.) Beyonce

24.) Rihanna

25.) Kim Kardashian

26.) Lady Gaga

27.) Usher

28.) John Legend

29.) Tiger Woods

30.) Bruno Mars

31.) Miley Cyrus

32.) Justin Bieber 

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