American Politicians (Allegedly) in the Illuminati | Dayz Entertainment

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Virtually every American president, vice president, presidential candidate, and high-level governor or senator is alleged to have some link to the Illuminati. Whether they're a puppet of the cabal or a powerful decision-maker, every one was placed into their position by the Illuminati to advance the group's goals of making more money and consolidating their power.

Here is a list of the most important Illuminati members that have attained prestige and influence in American politics and government-based economics. There are many others, but these are the most important. When it comes to Illuminati politics, there may be no end to their power.

 Barack Obama

President Obama is thought by many to have been hand-picked by the Illuminati to either bring down the United States or to usher in a fascist police state through socialist laws and staged conflicts. Virtually every action he has taken has been analyzed for Illuminati influence, with others believing he is either an agent of Satan or the actual Antichrist.
 Franklin D. Roosevelt
A prominent member of the high-level Illuminati Roosevelt family, FDR is thought to have played a critical role in the staging and propaganda of World War II, which brought tremendous wealth and power to the cabal. Some believe his death during his fourth term was actually an Illuminati assassination because he opposed using the atomic bomb.
 Gerald Ford

Ford gained infamy for pardoning fellow Illuminati President Richard Nixon, who in turn had appointed him to be Vice President. NWOtoday describes the former president as “a member of the Bilderberg group, the Bohemian Club, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.”
 George W. Bush

A member of the powerful Bush political dynasty, Bush is thought to have been a high-ranking Illuminati member who played a key role in the September 11th false flag attack (false flag meaning a government's attack on its own country, which many believe was the case with 9/11) and the subsequent Patriot Act and war with Iraq. Bush also has numerous ties to big business, Wall Street, and oil companies.
 Ronald Reagan

Another U.S. President suspected of being a powerful member of the Illuminati, Reagan was instrumental in supporting the military industrial complex through his acceleration of the Cold War, as well as invading several small countries and implanting microchips in American citizens.
 Bill Clinton

An extremely high-ranking Illuminati member, Clinton is thought to have personally killed hundreds of people to stay in power. He has also allegedly been involved in numerous conspiracies. According to NWOtoday, Clinton is “a member of the Skull and Bones Society, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Rhodes Scholars, and the CFR.”
 Richard Nixon

Selected by the Illuminati to ramp up the Vietnam War, Nixon also signed legislation dividing the U.S. into ten federal districts for taxation purposes and appointed many cabal members to key government positions. It’s believed that the Illuminati later turned on him, resulting in the Watergate scandal.
 Al Gore

Gore is thought by some to be a major part of the Illuminati’s global warming hoax scheme to make money through green technology. As Vice President, he would have had serious cabal connections and has since turned his environmental crusading into a lucrative second career.
 George H. W. Bush

The website NWOtoday describes the elder George Bush as “a self-proclaimed Globalist, is a member of the Bohemian Club, Skull and Bones, CFR, Trilateral Commission, and a 33rd Degree Mason.” He is also a former director of the CIA and has numerous oil company connections. It doesn’t get more Illuminati than that.
 Lyndon B. Johnson

Another Illuminati President, LBJ is thought to have played a critical role in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, working with the Mafia, the CIA, and possibly aliens to have JFK “taken out” in an Illuminati ritual sacrifice. He also participated in the deception regarding the Gulf of Tonkin false flag attack, which helped sell the Vietnam War to America.
 John F. Kennedy

Since all presidents are members of the Illuminati, and especially those who come from the powerful Kennedy bloodline, it’s easy to assume that JFK was a charter member of the cabal. He apparently did something to anger the Illuminati, possibly trying to end the Vietnam War, and so he was assassinated in a ritual sacrifice. 

Harry S. Truman

According to a theory on conspiracy website, President Truman never existed and was actually a deep-cover Nazi agent working on behalf of the Illuminati. Others believe he was a socialist warmonger who was an Illuminati prophet and high level Freemason. Or maybe both are true.
 Hillary Rodham Clinton

As part of an Illuminati power couple with her husband, Bill, Hillary Clinton was referred to by conspiracy theory website Before It’s News as “a 6th level Illuminati witch and sadistic Monarch slave handler.” She is also alleged to have killed numerous people who “got in her way" and to wield enormous influence in foreign policy and finance.
 Ted Kennedy

Senator Kennedy was supposedly another powerful Kennedy family Illuminati member, who also ran afoul of the cabal and was eventually strangled in a bathroom by an Illuminati thug. This theory does not explain how he died of cancer, though it’s not out of the question that the disease was given to him by the cabal as well.
 John McCain

Another participant in the rigged 2008 election, Senator McCain is described on one conspiracy website as “a vile, wicked, deceitful man, a warmonger and a sexual deviant” who is in the mind-controlled service of the Illuminati. He might also be a robot.
 Jimmy Carter

President Carter was alleged by Illuminati druid defector John Todd to be a puppet of the cabal, placed into power to advance an agenda of "social justice," and Satanism masquerading as Christianity. John Todd himself later went to prison on sex abuse charges and died in a mental institution. But President Carter was still totally in the Illuminati.
 Mitt Romney

Thought to be an Illuminati money-man who was given the 2012 GOP nomination as a gift, Romney is portrayed on conspiracy websites as a puppet and stooge of the cabal. Romney’s Mormon beliefs are often worked into this, as it’s believed that the Church of Latter Day Saints and the Illuminati are somehow linked, with one running the other.
 Ron Paul

Conspiracy watchers are divided on whether Texas Congressman and renowned Libertarian Ron Paul is an Illuminati member. Some believe he is their enemy, railing against their economic policies and warmongering in public, while others have him pegged as a puppet and a stooge who is really a high-level Freemason and occultist in the pocket of the wealthy.
 John Kerry

A well-known member of the Skull and Bones fraternity at Yale, Kerry is suspected of having been “groomed” to run for president in 2004. This process included changing his name, forcing him to perform military service, and using him as a public spokesman for Illuminati policies. This is a normal part of Illuminati doings, rigging elections using two groomed candidates.

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