Five Crazy Marriage Customs Around The World | Dayz Entertainment

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Marriage they say has a long way to go. Because of this reason, before someone marries, there are different customs been practiced across the world to show how people see marriage to be. I have gathered here the top 5 crazy ( as I see it) customs some of you are not very much into. Make sure you share with your friends. Its Dayz Entertainment Show. Let's read on:

 5. Marrying Tree In India:
In India women born as Mangliks (an astrological combination when Mars and Saturn are both under the 7th house) are thought to be cursed and likely to cause their husband an early death. In order to ward of this curse they must be married first…to a tree. The tree is then destroyed and the curse is broken.

 4. Aiming With An Arrow
In Yugur culture (an ethnic Chinese minority) the groom will actually shoot his bride with a bow and arrow before the wedding…three times. Ok, so the arrows don’t have arrowheads, but still, thats like getting shot with rubber bullets. Once the deed is done, the groom will collect the arrows and break them, thus ensuring that they will love each other forever.

3. Animal Marriage In India
Although no country in the world officially recognizes human/animal marriages it is practiced in many countries like India to ward off bad spirits.

2. Spitting on the Bride: Massai nation, Kenya
At a Massai wedding, the father of the bride blesses his daughter by spitting on her head and breasts. She then leaves the village with her husband and does not look back for fear of turning into stone.

1. Eating From Toilet Bowl In France:
 Here comes the worst wedding tradition ever. After the wedding ceremony is complete, the bridal party would collect all of the leftovers, bits of trash, and anything else they deem to be sufficiently gross within a toilet bowl and then barge into the couple's room. They would not leave until the couple drank it. This is supposed to give the couple fuel to have a great night ahead. Today, although soup is substituted with chocolate, you’re still drinking brown stuff out of a real live toilet bowl.


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