WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Rapper Meek Mill and Nicki Minaj are OFFICIALLY OVER . . . and this time it's FOR REAL | Dayz Entertainment

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Rapper Meek Mill and Nicki Minaj are OFFICIALLY OVER . . . and this time it's FOR REAL. has been reporting all the UP AND DOWNS between Nicki and Meek ever since the two started dating. But heir relationship is at an ALL TIME LOW.

According to one of MediaTakeOut's snitches - Meek got CAUGHT being SLOPPY WITH IT. According to new reports, Nicki has hired a moving truck and moved all of Meek's clothes OUT OF their Los Angeles home and is having it shipped to Philly.

But this time it's not just typical bickering. MediaTakeOut learned that a PHILADELPHIA STRIPPER contacted Nicki Minaj claiming to have been SLEEPING with Meek. And that was ALL THE NICKI COULD HANDLE.

TMZ has confirmed that Nicki and Meek are breaking up.

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