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Ghana was yet again elevated to the peak of the ridicule ladder yesterday, 6th March, 2016, when organizers of the 59th anniversary of the country failed to proof read the brochures meant for the national programme that had been flooded with many grammatical errors and factual inaccuracies.

The President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, who was the special guest for the 59th Independence Day celebration in Accra was addressed in the brochure as the president of Ghana instead of Kenya.

Some citizens took to various social media platforms the embarrassing situation which got Ghana sneered in some parts of Africa.

59 years after Ghana gained her independence from the British in 1957, this is probably the first time the country has been derided this way on her birthday.

On Facebook, some people were of the view that  the republic still needed the help of whites to fully furnish everything we do here in Ghana because virtually we cannot do without them in all aspects of life.

Jokingly, some tweeted that  the state had to hire foreign editors to proofread the brochure and even any release that would come from the Flagstaff House.

A self acclaimed MP for Facebook South who is full of Sarcasm, Hon Rodney Nkrumah Boateng made a post on Facebook that Bukom Banku, a renowned Ghanaian boxer editted the brochure.

Below is a snapshot of some of his mockery posts.

However, Kwame Gyan, a Brands and communications avatar and host of STATE OF THE NATION on ETV has hit hard on the organisers of the event, describing them as incompetent.

 See his post on Facebook.

Bright Simons, a renowned social innovator, entrepreneur, and researcher affiliated with IMANI Ghana did not shower encomiums on the government machinery that was in charge of the state function.

Bright had this to say;

"It affects our national image. Which has implications for the national brand. 'National brands' are economically quantifiable benefits to business. There is ample evidence to show that adding 'Swiss' to a brand name boosts the value of the brand measurably. To the point where nowadays many companies from Switzerland simply use 'Swiss' as a brand tag. Case in point 'Swatch'. When a machine maker adds the tag line,  'German engineering', she is harnessing the benefits of the country brand for direct corporate gain. Demonstrating to the whole world that Ghana is an 'unserious' country has economic consequences, whether the hapless folks in charge know it or not."

Remember there are diplomats and other foreigners who will get hold of this.

Some people just do not understand branding and its implications."

 These are where the grammatical errors are

 Story by: Piesie Okrah Henryson/

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