The first teaser for animated film "The Breadwinner", which is executive-produced by Angelina Jolie, has been released by GKIDS. Based on Deborah Ellis' novel of the same name, the animated film with feminist issue follows Parvana, a young girl who decides to disguise as a boy to support her family after her father is imprisoned by Taliban.
"When I was young, Parvana, I knew what peace felt like," says a voiceover in the first part of the teaser. The video later sees Parvana cutting her hair short and starting a journey to find her father. "Is it a happy story or a sad story?" says Parvana later on. "Just wait and see."
Jolie has expressed her thoughts about the film in a press realese. "I am proud to be a part of this beautiful film with this timely and very important subject matter," she says. "Millions of girls around the world have to grow up before their time, working to provide for their families at a very young age and in difficult circumstances. They have the strength to do what no one should ask little girls to do."
"I hope this film is able to bring this discussion to a broader audience," Jolie adds. "As much as it is an important and very meaningful film, it also stands on its own as a great piece of art. Director Nora Twomey and her team have done something very special. They have breathed life into the characters and paid respect to the subject matter and to a country where women often struggle," she continues.
"The Breadwinner" is directed by Nora Twomey and is expected to be released sometime this fall.
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