5 things you should never do at a wedding | Dayz Entertainment

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Social etiquette rules that you should print out and keep.

1. Show up late

Unless it’s an absolute emergency (in which case you should always do your best to let someone know about it), always make sure that you arrive at a wedding well before the actual wedding entourage arrives. 

For one, you don’t want to miss out on seeing the bride making her entrance, nor do you want to be the person who slips in at the back while the ceremony is taking place. If you might disrupt proceedings, rather wait outside and join the wedding when the ceremony ends.

2. Use the opportunity to propose to your significant other

Lately there’ve been scores of this, dare I call it, new trend that’s been going around the internet where people have suddenly started using other people’s weddings as the perfect backdrop to propose to their significant other.

I don’t know about you, but I frankly I wouldn’t want to be known as the couple who tried to upstage someone else’s wedding by getting engaged on someone else’s big day. Even if you did get permission.

Actually, why did you get permission? You shouldn’t have asked in the first place. The bridal couple are just being polite.

3. Complain if there are problems

Everyone knows that weddings usually don’t proceed without a few glitches.

From late bridal party arrivals to seating arrangement errors and misplaced decor arrangement pieces, there are certain minor issues that could easily go unnoticed and be overlooked without making an undue fuss about it.

However, there are things that the wedding party and vendors alike simply can’t control (the weather for example) and which you should just be gracious about.  So the food may not be all that great? Keep quiet.

Chances are the bridal couple may have already discovered their error, so you pointing it out will only make them feel bad.

And what if you’re sitting at a table you don’t like? You grin and bear it. Don’t like the music? Suck it up. The day is not about you.

4. Bring a plus one when the invitation didn’t ask you to

You would be surprised by the amount of people who flagrantly ignore the specifications on wedding invitations and end up bringing a partner when they’ve specifically been asked not to. I’ve been at weddings where the tension could literally be felt in the room because vendors had to scramble around to make arrangements for these unexpected new numbers, all because the headcount is now far more than was catered for.

Keep in mind that when couples send out wedding invitations, they do so with a budget in mind. And it doesn’t include having to pay extra for a guest that wasn’t invited to the wedding in the first place.

And budgets aside, couples choose the people they want to share their day with carefully, so bringing a complete stranger into the mix is just plain rude.

5.  Drink too much

Yes, wedding celebrations are all about partying and indulging in a bit of fun, but that doesn’t mean that this is an invitation for you to now drink yourself into a state of oblivion. You don’t want to be that person who had to be carried home because you could barely walk, much less maintain any semblance of balance, right?

Trust me, these drunk party animals in the link below are probably still cringing about the fact that they ended up on YouTube.

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